Friday, January 29, 2010


Hello all!

To answer some of your questions, here's a better description of what school is like! (I love all the questions, by the way!)

-The students are very respectful. They greet me with "Good morning, madam" every morning. They stand up when I enter the classroom. If they see me walking with a bag/purse, they carry it for me. THey are great. They were super shy the first few days ... but now they are starting to warm up a little. We've been playing Simon Says in class using English classroom instructions (such as stand up, sit down, write this down, etc). They really like that game, I think, and I can se some of them starting to come out of their shell. A lot of the time when I'm teaching I feel like I have to act out what I'm saying. (For example .. if I say "she walked quickly," I will walk around the room quickly). I feel like I"m an actress sometimes. I try to be funny, but sometimes I think they are just laughing at me not with me. Haha, oh well!
-The other teachers here are pretty nice. I am the only female teacher, however there are 2 female workers here. One is the typist (yes, with a typewriter), and one is a libraian (I think). I have been playing volleyball with a few teachers and students after school everyday, and that is really fun. It's nice to be able to laugh and goof around with the other teachers.

Well thats about it for school! One month down (almost), 5 to go! Here is a random list of things I've done so far:
-played volleyball with teachers/students everyday.
-used a machette to (try to) cut the grass with some students out on the soccer field. I was horrible at it. It was pretty hilarious.
-Used a hoe and helped cultivate corn with some of the sisters.
-killed 2 (hockey puck sized) spiders in my room.
-killed 2 bees in my room.
-ran screaming when i saw a mouse in my room this morning. The whereabouts of the mouse is still unknown. Don't worry... I made my favorite student (Puis, this really really nice 14 year old boy), come and try to help me find it this morning. It's probably nesting under my bed somewhere by now. Haha!
-watched a pig hang from a tree and saw its blood and guys drain out 30 min after it was killed. This was in Sumbawanga with James and Dan. Now THAT was fun to see. (I'm being sarcastic, in case you couldn't tell ..)
-not showered for 3 days in a row ... I think thats my record. Now bad, if you ask me.
-Showered with ice cold water.
-climbed a fence with James in order to take a short cut
-ate dinner in pitch black (Hakuna umeme).
-seen a bird that looked like it was spray-painted blaze organge. No joke - that was its color. It was the brightest bird i've ever seen. It was really sweet!
-ate fist with the eyeballs still intact. Didn't eat the eyeballs, though - YUCK.

That's about all I can think of for now!

Hope all is well in freezing MN! :)


  1. Hi Sarah Beara,
    Thanks for answering all the questions. I LOVE hearing about your life in Africa. What a great idea to list the different things you have done so far. Some of them seem like really interesting/fun things (using a machete, seeing the colorful bird & playing volleyball). I'm sure some of the other things you could have done without (the critters, the cold showers & the strange food). It is so impressive to hear how you are immersed in life there.

    It sounds like the people there are just wonderful. The students sound like really good kids. I'm sure they love their teacher! It was nice of Puis to help you look for the mouse.

    Not much news here - still cold. I guess there are advantages: no bees or hockey puck spiders :)

    Have a wonderful weekend. We miss you, but feel like we are with you as we read your updates. God bless you!

    Lots of love,

  2. Haha - I am laughing out loud thinking of you up on your bed with the spiders incident and running out of the room with the mouse. Hahaha. Sorry that I am laughing at your torture. I also am thinking of your expression as you saw the pig. Haha. I just love your reactions and emotions. Miss seeing them and you every day. You always make me laugh - don't worry - I'm sure the kids are laughing WITH you - I would be. Lots of love.

  3. Sarah-
    I couldn't have said it any better than Nikki did. I love hearing your reactions and interpretations of things that probably seem normal to the people in Tanzania. I'm glad that you were able to kill the spiders and the bees (I would have had to call my dad to kill them, or run away screaming). Good luck with the mouse!! Maybe you can give us a re-enactment of one of your English lessons sometime, they sound entertaining =] Thanks for keeping us updated! Miss and love you.

  4. I just tried post a comment and when I went to send it everything erased. I'll try again. I'm sorry I haven't written for awhile. I was up in San Francisco for five days. I thought about you a lot while I was there since you were with me on my previous visit. Cole is talking more and more. He can now count to 20. When I show him your picture he now calls you Sarah. I like YoYo better.
    I just love reading your blogs. You do a wonderful job of describing everything. Your room sounds very interesting. Nice you have lots of animals to keep you company. I can just visualize you in your classroom. You must make it so much fun for the students to learn. I bet they love you. How is your Swahili coming? Do you still have lessons or are you learning on your own?
    John just talked to Danny and he said that your Mom and Dad were visiting in Atlanta. They must have gone up there after their Atlanta trip. I'll look forward to your next update. Take care and Lots of Love to you. Diane

  5. SARAH! I have to agree with NIKKI! I SERIOUSLY Miss your humor! I love the bug killing...if I saw a hockey puck spider I would have been so scared that I would have ended up running all the way to Russia? (Props to you)! It sounds like school is going great! I am so excited for you! Keep blogging...It is great that you have this place to connect! MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU LOTS!!! I hope you got my last e-mail on Jan 26th! P.S. Do you have an address?

  6. Speaking of machetes, has a ton of different types of machetes from all over the globe for sale for use by campers, hunters, gardeners, farmers, etc..

  7. You definitely get the screaming at mice from me! I hate little rodents! Normally spiders don't bother me but, come on, hockey puck sized!

    And the pig story - oh my! You have had quite the experiences!

    Your students sound great - so polite and helpful. You are using some very creative teaching methods - good for you.

    I'm glad you are having fun playing volleyball, laughing and having fun with the teachers and students.

    Are you using a book to teach or creating your own lessons?

    Do all of the children live in the town of Laela? Have you met any of the parents? Are some of them orphans?

    That's all of the questions for now :)

    I love you soooo much!
