Monday, January 4, 2010

It's Time!

The time is here! I'm off to Tanzania in the morning. I can't believe it! It'll take a full 24 hours of traveling before I land in Dar es Salaam - where it is currently 85 degrees and sunny! :) James and Fr. Revocatus will be waiting at the airport to pick me up! We will be staying in Dar for a few days so I can rest and recuperate, then we will be on our way to Sumbawanga, Tanzania. That should take at least one full day of riding in a bus (or a car if I'm lucky). It is on the complete opposite side of the country, and because it's Africa, I'm expecting at least a 12 hour ride - give or take a few hours, depending on how many times the car breaks down or the tires on the bus go flat :)

Please, please send me lots and lots of emails! I would LOVE to hear from all of you. I want to know what's going on in your life! I will try to respond to as many of your emails as I can, and I will try to update this thing as often as possible!

Next time you'll hear from me I'll be in AFRICA! :D God bless!


  1. Sarah Sarah!! I miss you so much! I am so excited for you! I will follow your travels and experiences closely and live vicariously through you!! I'm going to show my kindergarten class pictures too. They love hearing about other countries and cultures! Take care, be safe, and HAVE FUN!

  2. I dropped Sarah at the airport yesterday and it is 1pm on Wednesday and it looks like the plane landed safely in Dar Es Salaam in the last hour! Wow, what a LONG journey! We are looking forward to hearing from you. What an adventure you are on...

    We love you!

  3. Sarah, I've been thinking of you all day as you travel to Africa. I'm glad to see your mom's note that your plane landed safely. Now the fun begins! The kids are so blessed to have you come into their lives. Make lots of memories & keep us posted on your adventure. God be with you.
    With much love, Donna

  4. Hi Sarah,
    It is aunt Diane. I've been thinking about you so much since yesterday and am anxious to see your next blog - from Africa! I think you have been there about 8 hours now. I'm going to put Tanzania on my phone clock so I'll know what time it is where you are. I agree with Donna - the kids are lucky to have you there. Enjoy every minute. We love you so much. Diane
    P.S. It is taking me quite awhile to figure out how to do this blog. Hopefully it is going to work this time.
