I’m still here in Sumbawanga … I should find out tonight or tomorrow if I’ll be staying here permanently or if I’ll be returning to teach in Laela. I’m kind of thinking that I’ll end up staying and teaching here, which would be kind of fun. But, I’m totally at the mercy of Fr. Ndasi and the dioceses of Sumbawanga. I’ll teach wherever they think I’ll be of best use.
So, yesterday I went on a 9 HOUR hike with James and Dan through the mountains surrounding Sumbawanga. We left at 8:30AM and got back at 5:30PM. We brought a camping stove and a pan, and cooked lunch on top of the mountain. We cooked rice with green peppers and tomatoes, and we had bread and peanut butter as well. It was great! The weather was absolutely fantastic. It’s been raining quite a bit the past week, but yesterday the weather was perfect! It was sunny but partly cloudy so it didn’t get too hot, and it didn’t rain all day! (Except for a few sprinkles lasting only for about 3 minutes when we sat down for lunch). We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day. I brought my camera this time and took some pretty sweet pictures (even though they really don’t do justice to what it felt like to be there). So here are a few pictures (They uploaded in the oposite order - so the end of our hike is at the beginning). Enjoy!
Picture #1 – On the top of the second hill we climbed that day. Dan’s looking out over the rain coming down on Sumbawanga.
Picture #2 – Could it be any more beautiful here??
Picture #3 – I repeat my previous statement. Could it BE any more beautiful?!
Picture #4 – The rain coming down over Sumbawanga (you can kind of see the town in the distance).
Picture #5 – Group photo number 1! This is a good one :)
Picture #6 – Group photo number 2! (I love timers on cameras!) Goofing around at the top!
Picture #7 – James and Dan resting!
Picture #8 – Another beautiful view! The mountain you see in the distance right in the middle of the picture is the second mountain we climbed that day! (It is also the first mountain I climbed with James back on February 14th).
Picture #9 – A beautiful view! You can kind of see Lake Rukwa in the background through the clouds. (Lake Rukwa is one of the five great lakes of Africa!)
Picture #10 – James checking out the view from the top of the first mountain we climbed!
Picture #11 – One of the mountains we climbed.
Picture #12 – Taken within the first 30 minutes of our hike. You can kind of see Sumbawanga in the background.
Life is great here in Tanzania!
Fantastic Sarah!
ReplyDeleteI love seeing the pictures....keep them coming!
Is there any milkweed and monarch butterflies there? :)
It looks like perfect butterfly meadows with the native plants and flowers. Have you seen any interesting butterflies?? :)
Well, it will be interesting to see where you end up teaching....whatever is meant to be will be (God's in charge!)
I'm getting excited about our adventure in Tanzania!
I love you tons!!!!
Tu sifu Jesu Christu,
Mom - really funny you should ask about the butterflies ... We saw some really pretty ones on the hike! James and Dan both took my camera at one point to take pictures of them. I even said to them "You're taking pictures of the butterfly?! My mother would be so proud." Haha, so we definately thought of you! I'll show you those pictures when you get here! Love you! Sarah