Hello everyone! I'm officially back at Laela. I can't believe I was gone for almost 2 weeks! Since I wasn't able to post much the last 2 weeks, I figured I'd recap by giving you a few excepts from my journal entries. That way you have a better idea of what I experienced the last 14 days. So, here are are a few random paragraphs from different entries:
Feb 3. Wednesday 7:30AM
I made it to Sumbawanga. I am now at James/Dans place. I still don't feel god, but it is really nice to be with people who know me and care about me. The drive here was beautiful - it yet again reminded me of why I'm here in TZ. Time to go get ready to go to the doctor with James and Br. Mwanjoka.
Feb 4. Thursday 8:15AM
I have malaria. They found 6 parasites in my blood. They gave me some dawa (medicine) that I'll take for the next week or so. It kinda stinks because the meds are making me feel even worse because they're killing the parasites. I almost fainted in mass this morning.
Feb 6. Saturday 10:30AM
It's been one month officially since I arrived in TZ. I have learned so much and experienced so much already - time i just flying. One thing I am really enjoying is the amount of time I've been able to read, reflect and talk to people about life. I feel like I am becoming such a better person here - even if it's just because I don't sit around and fill by brain with useless information from the TV. Even though it's really hard to be away from home, I know this is where I'm supposed to be. I'll never get these experiences back. As Donald Miller says in Through Painted Deserts, I'll never be in the same place, with these people and these colors. So, I better enjoy it and experience it while I can, right?
Feb 7. Sunday 5:10PM
Right now I am sitting on James/Dans porch. The sun is shining and setting behind the mountains. It just rained so everything looks green and fresh and renewed. It is so beautiful here. I just want to sit in the peace forever.
Feb 9. Tuesday 8:10 AM
Still here in Sumbawanga. I don't really know what I'm going to do today. I really want to take a hot shower, but I'd have to heat up a bucket of water to do that, so we'll see.
Feb. 11
I'm about to go play volleyball with James and some of his students. I'm starting to get to know his students pretty well...I'm kinda sad that I'll be leaving soon.
Feb. 14 Sunday 9:15Am
Happy Valentines Day! It's only 9 in the morning and I have already had one of the best Valentines Day ever. James and I woke up at 6:00 this morning to go on an 8 hour hike. We had a quick breakfast, grabbed some snacks for the road, and headed out. To start off, there was a beautiful sunrise this morning. As James said, it was God's Valentines Day gift to us. We hiked for 2 and 1/2 hours and are currently sitting on top of this mountain called Mbizi, which is maybe about 7,000ft above sea level. The hike wasn't too hard until the last 30 minutes, which was straight up hill. The weather is perfect. The sun is out, but it is partly cloudy so it's not too hot. There is a perfect breeze too. Let me try to paint a picture of what I'm looking at right now: In front of me I am looking down on Sumbawanga. It looks so far away from here. Other than the town, I can see for miles and miles with no sign of civilization. It looks like this random town placed in the middle of absolute no where. All around me are mountains next to more mountains next to more mountains. Everything is green and lush, with tress scattered everywhere. The grass is tall and a light yellow/green. The tress are dark, forest green. It looks like something right out of a photograph. God gave us such a beautiful world to live in!
Feb 15. Monday 5:00PM
I was supposed to leave for Laela at 3pm yesterday, but (because T.I.A. - this is Africa), we didn't end up leaving uni ll 10:45pm, which got me back here around 1:30AM. I am so exhausted because I had to get up at 6:00 this morning to go to school.
Well there ya have it folks! The next few weeks will probably be a little less eventful. Send me an email updating me on your life! Much love
P.S. - Kimmy and Bret (and Cole) - I will be thinking about you guys and praying for you these next few weeks! Be sure to let me know (and email me pictures) when you second little bundle of joy is born!!